“While no one likes to plan for death, the fact remains that no one lives forever. Unless we prepare for our deaths, there is uncertainty as to where our assets and liabilities will end up when we die. The best way to eliminate some of that uncertainty is through a properly prepared estate plan that incorporates planning for accumulation, protection, and disposition of wealth”
– Michael A. Dalton, Thomas P. Langdon “Legacy Planning”
In order to address your legacy planning needs, we start with evaluation of your financial statements, establish your transfer objectives, including family and charities. We help clients transfer property as desired and minimize estate and transfer taxes, avoid probate, use gifting strategies, meet liquidity needs at death, plan for incapacity, and fulfill any charitable intention.

While developing a comprehensive legacy plan for you we work with your legacy planning attorney, a CPA or can make a recommendation if you are looking for one. We develop, implement, review, and update the plan when your family situation changes.